Banded Get a Foot Down Drill

Banded “get a foot down” drill will help your players make the connection and feel the difference of loading into their shot, compared to drifting into their shot💥💥.

Band is pulling them towards baseline, this requires them to put more force into the ground as to not drift, it forces them to keep their hips low, all of which will help them make the connection of loading into the ground.

Keep banded reps low, (4-6 reps) solely using it to plant the seed, have them feel movement, the braking, feel the force they put into the ground. Catching the pass for rhythm, is it fluid?

Remove band, 6-10 makes, are they making the connection? Are they drifting, or are they attacking the ground and shooting in the “phone booth”? First time @tylerrssj did the drill and he was locked in 🏀❤️👊🏼💥

Thanks for viewing, create a great day!
-Coach Thom

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