Basketball Specific Training To Improve Defensive Slides And Closeouts!!!!

As coaches we want our players hitting the weight room hard, cleans, pulls, deadlifts, and of course SQUATS!!!!!!!!!!!! But, many of us forget about the most important thing and that is to convert that raw strength to basketball specific movements. Using a very versatile piece of equipment called the “SuperBand” you can get your players to improve their defensive slides, closeouts, and overall conditioning for basketball. Intervals of 30 seconds, reminding your players to stay low, pushing off trail leg driving their bodies laterally, closing out focus on short choppy steps, strong core, and BALANCE.

D-Slides: 3 slides, return and repeat for 30 seconds (stay in a stance, do both sides equally)
Back pedal Closeout: 3 big steps back and closeout for 30 seconds (Stay low, busy hands)
D-Slides to Closeout: 3 slides, closeout 30 seconds (stay in a stance, choppy feet on closeout, balance, do both sides equally)

Thanks for visiting, create a great day- Coach T


  1. I’ve used the Superband with some of my players and agree that it’s a nice piece of equipment for develop basketball specific strength and agility. Would you recommend this for rehabbing a player recovering from a serious knee injury… or do you think it’s too intense?

  2. Great question, it depends mainly on how far the player is through rehab. I would use exercises like clam shells, one legged box squats, and hip bridges. Slowly build the athlete up to more dynamic exercises. Create a great day! -Coach T

  3. What pound resistance would you recommend for high school boys for these drills ?

  4. Start with the lightest bands then slowly after a couple weeks, increase band strength. Hope that helps, create a great day! Coach T

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